Tuesday, 4 May 2010

DANCE IN THE DARK is in for a bumpy ride and a learning curve.
I've been working on new ideas, mindmapping and spider-diagram-ing, and I've come to the conclusion; this has got to change!
I'm leaving you reeling, probably, after the promise of posts and you recieve none for a week or two.
Admittedly, I find it difficult to do outfit posts at the moment, but the line up has changed! I will do outfit posts, when and if I can. However, I've invested time into creating and designing headers and fonts, and I've decided on a series of inevitable posts per week/month, not including general rant/banter/random post.
Things like :
'RN'; which is 'Right now', what I'm listening to, wearing, eating, drinking, lusting after ect.
'WADATUUNE!!!' Current favourite song/s of the week, accompanied by a video, once I've worked html out.
'memoirs of...', this is a post of my memories, for you to get to know me a little better, a photo, usually, of a holiday, trip, special occasion.
'Uhmm... YAY OR NAY?'- being reviews or products, books, tv, anything, and I'm open to new ideas!
'Linkedy link' or 'dotcom', a post including links I've recently enjoyed.
'PICTURE', a weekly photo, or selection of photos, taken by me, either of me or of my antics.
'NEWSTAND', a selected, scanned or found article that has caught my eye in the past week to month.
'omnomnom' or 'WANTED' is in theory my wishlist!
and finally, '""' (quote marks) Quote of the week.

Hopefully I'll be keeping this up, infact, I'm going to promise it, because I'm ridiculously excited about it!


PS. Wanna chat?


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